
Away with the fairies

Ok, I give in! Call me a shrink, sign me up for a twelve step program. My name is Lexie and I have an addiction to fairy lights! And let's be honest, can you blame me? There is something so simple and sweet about the amber glow of these little lights that make everything seem warmer, lovelier...brighter! Or maybe it's just me?


I blame Christmas for this new obsession, I never quite got over the gaping, dark hole left by the Christmas lights after twelfth night came and went. So, Christmas be damned I thought, I shall have fairy lights all year round. Off I went, buying strings of led lights on clear wire to drape and illuminate till my heart is content. And how lovely they look.

They create such a feminine ambiance, especially against a white, shabby chic background! I still haven't quite mastered the art of draping them effortlessly so that they look like they lie where they landed when they drifted in on a breeze (or something like that). This skill seems to be beyond me. Some people have it mastered though!

And I do worry about teetering on the edge of 'Carnival chic'..no one
wants a hallway so illuminated that it looks like a trip around the circus! It's a twinkly work in progress my friends!

So what about you? Have you an affinity with fairy lights, does your home look like a trip around the circus?

I best be off, time to enroll in that twelve step program! Would exactly would those twelve steps be I wonder? Let's not find out, eh?

With love,



  1. Oh gosh, I absolutely ADORE fairy lights! I don't have as many up as I'd like at the moment but this year is the year of me making my house a home and fairy lights are one of the first things I'll be putting up :)

  2. Fairy lights are year round for me! I keep them up over my desk to remind me that I love the work that I do. They just make everything a little more magical!

  3. Ladies you are so right, fairy lights are wonderful!


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