
Hello old familiarity..

Oh boy does it feel good to hit that 'New Post' button for the first time in stupidly long! Hi, hello! How are you all? I have been a terribly lazy bad blogger but I haven't had anything to share or tell and work has been occupying my brain. This week I am having a rare week off to relax and celebrate my cousins wedding and also my own birthday...and since I have friends and family all over the place I will be celebrating my birthday over the the whole week...can't complain.

Yesterday I returned to my Cheltenham, where I lived for five years. When I left there I left the best friends a girl could ask for so every 6 months I find the time to head back and hug them all massively. Gosh I miss those ladies. But every time I leave I am happy in the knowledge that I have some lovely people in my life and when we get together it's like no time has passed at all.

I spent the day doing birthday things- lunch at the most wonderful tea room, pottery painting and then dinner with the whole group.

The tea room is a new addition to a beautiful fabric shop that has been there for years. Sadly it was not a tea room when I was around! But it really is the most lovely place, an old quirky Victorian building now crammed with little tables and mismatched chairs and enough delightful mismatched tea cups to fill a shed.

If you're ever in Cheltenham then you really must pay a visit to this charming little place and if not then tempt yourself with the website.

We also took a detour on the way to Cheltenham and stopped at Cirencester to see my good friend's exhibition...(that deserves a post of its own) and I finally got to stop by a little shop called 'Lexi loves'...something that has been on my wish list for years! And let me tell you..Lexie really does love! At first it seems like one of those cute, quirky little indie shops selling polka dots and trinkets by the shabby chic bucket load but it's so much more...In a little back room, Lexi sells ribbons and fabric and everything you would need to be a crafting goddess and for wonderful prices too. I picked up some fat quarters and the most perfect ribbon for my home made Christmas cards. You must stop by this little shop if you ever get the chance..

The pottery painting is another story entirely and one that I will save for when I receive my (probably rubbish) handywork.



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