Reader, I have been terribly neglectful and I am sorry. I just thought I would stop by and check up on everything- all seems fine! I have been a little distracted, a bit busier than normal at work, a bit tireder than normal at night but I have also been productive. My main distraction is that I've been writing again, a long loved and long neglected skill of mine, it is actually my main 'Craft', the thing that I am best at. I haven't written fiction in a long long while but I have been struck by inspiration and so I have been focusing on that. This inspiration to write has come partially from proofreading my step mothers superb manuscript and also the novel 'One Day' by David Nicholls (Which.I.Adored) and I had forgotten how lovely the feeling of being inspired to write actually is. Anyway, that is not all that I have been up to, I have been bootsale-ing (Buying not selling)..hello pretty new vintage china! I also recently acquired some rather wonderful paint for furniture and other such projects, real vintage inspired tones that I am completely smitten over. I will share, I will. Sit tight for that one! I am hoping to start selling these projects that I speak of but more on that very soon.
I have a few updates that I wanted to share, I found some of the wooden apple crates (mentioned in my last post) in the bootsale today- the woman tried to sell them to me for £15 each..50 years old she told me..I just smiled and walked away. As lovely as they are, they're old wooden boxes used to carry fruit, whether five or fifty years old they're not priceless! Honestly, it does annoy me when things become trendy and therefore overpriced. Speaking of trends, my second update was to say that I caved and purchased a copy of 'Mollie Makes' magazine, as featured a few posts ago. I don't think I will be parting with my cash again. As beautiful as the magazine is, full of wonder and colour and pretty things. It's actually created by a team who spend a lot of time on pinterest. Ladies like you and me. Unfortunately it all seemed like it had been done before and I had seen it better elsewhere and for free. The magazine was all about thrifting, home styling and country living but it really felt like it was a how to guide for women who want to "get into" the scene because it's the fashionable thing to do, which I always think spoils it a little for the people that have long had passions for the crafty thrifty lifestyle...I'm probably being a but precious and mean but it was just my impression. I may buy it again if the crafts or freebies are good but otherwise I'll stick to my favourite blogs for my dose of wonderful each week- they're all a lot more genuine and in now way 'faddy'!
Anyway, all things aside, there is a blissfully long weekend ahead. What are you planning for the bank holiday weekend fellow Brits? The rain has so far scuppered most of my plans, but I have been pottering, catching up with washing, buying a food processor, painting old furniture with aforementioned delicious new paint. I now plan to sleep the rest of the weekend!
Wishing you all well,
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