
Christmas moments..

Happy New Year to you all.

I'm late I know but it takes me a little while to get going in January. 

It seems a little strange, a little sad to talk about Christmas now that it is so very long ago. But 2012 wouldn't quite be complete without a little peek back to my favourite Christmas moments.

So there was baking. I made these mince swirls last year by fluke and they were a hit with my family. So now I get special requests.

I took a moment on Christmas morning while sitting in my favourite dress and feeling ok in it for a change, to take it all in, Christmas seems to disappear so quickly that it's nice to stop and think...just for a second.

I love the decorations at my parents house. So very photogenic.

And although presents aren't everything on Christmas day..I do love to give them and receive them. I was utterly spoilt as you can see. I am very lucky. And I am loving my Ipad!

And then of course, as always, time with my family is the very best part of Christmas. Playing doggy doo and moshi monsters with my very excited niece and nephew was a particular highlight of mine.

So there it is, or was. My Christmas 2012.

The new year so far has been gentle, unassuming and quiet. And thankfully the rain stopped and I hear snow is on the way. I do love wintery weather.

I will be back soon to tackle the subject of 2013..what will it have in store I wonder. 

New years resolution number 1...blog more, blog better! We'll see how that goes.




  1. Great post Lexie! I really miss Christmas : ( You had some wonderful gifts!

    Gemma xXx


  2. Hi Lexie,

    How right you are!
    I still miss the brightness of Christmas but I am now centered on Easter and the loveliness of spring. That helps for missing Christmas.

    keep well
    Amanda :-)


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